Faces of Inspideans

From top: Fizree, ... and Paan. Both are my mates in the Layout team. Done in 15 mins.

From top: Liang from Tripura's BG team. Jiro from Toonboom's animation team. Done in 10 mins.

From top: Julius and Shuk from Pre-Pro Team. Aimee from Toonboom's animation team. Done in 10 mins.

Hahaha... hello guys! It's a very long times since I've posted something here. I have a very hectic life before. It's miserable, trying to adapt my new life as an animator yet balancing times between job and personal life. Yeah, anyhow I manage to get through all of this now.

And here I am, ready to give some heavy punches to this blog again! (err.. maybe.) haha...

Nothing new here, just some of my quick sketches of random Inspidean faces. I just luv to draw people around me, especially when I'm bored or feel asleep in the office! haha...

medium: Faber Castell colour pencils on A4 sketch book.

+Listening to: Maria


IdaMandarin said...

Owh good! Anyways, how long does it takes to sketch that? I think u should add that little detail once u've doodled something.
Great job... I kinda like the current tune u're listening to... Kep it up!

yunus said...

salut.. lama ko tak ke udara... busy ka?

Mohd Faizol Haini said...

ya... semestinya bz. sunggoh lama ya?